Peruvian Fair Trade Coffee


Peruvian Fair Trade coffee

Sweet, light, creamy coffee from the Andes mountains.


Peruvian Fair Trade Coffee

Our Peruvian Fair Trade coffee (Sol y Cafe) makes for a light and delicious cup of coffee. It’s sweet, carrying subtle flavours of jasmine, honey Peruvian Sol y Cafe coffee drying
and sweet tropical fruit. However it is balanced too, with a creamy full body and crisp acidity. Of course some terms in coffee descriptions have slightly different meanings from how we would normally use them. Naturally, by “acidity” we don’t mean anything that could hurt your tummy! We mean that dry, bright, sometimes even sparkling sensation that a really high-quality coffee has.
We roast this lovely Peruvian Fair Trade coffee fairly light, to focus on the sweet notes in the taste. The guys who grow the beans say their coffee tastes of “dried raisin, dark cocao and red fruits” and that’s what we try to highlight.

The Sol y Cafe Co-operative

Sol y Cafe (meaning Sun and Coffee) is a co-operative centred round Jaen in northeast Peru. The area is high in the Andes mountain. The coffee trees grow around 1600m – 2000 masl. As a result, this high altitude makes for slow growing, more flavoursome coffee beans. The co-operative started in 2005 and has transformed the prospects of the local coffee farmers. It now includes more than 1000 producer-members. Please click on this link for more details.Sol y Cafe Peruvian fair trade coffee producers

The article above details the many ways in which the Sol y Cafe co-operative helps the small coffee farmers of the region. Three major ones stand out. Firstly, by paying a guaranteed minimum price for the coffee beans. Secondly, through improving the quality of the coffee harvest. Thirdly, by providing a hedge for the farmers against the vagaries of the weather, pests and the market.

About Peruvian Fair Trade coffee

Our Peruvian Fair Trade coffee originates from many different smallholdings. The Arabica Farmer getting a fair price for his coffee beans at the Community in Perucoffee bean varietals are Bourbon, Typica, Caturra, Catuai, Pacche and Mondonovo. These combine to make lovely, light Peruvian roast which exemplifies the consistency and balance of coffee from this region. With a smooth, full body (no bitterness), our Sol y Cafe coffee take “drinkability” to a whole new level.

Finally, for an interesting comparison try our other delicious Peruvian Organic coffee: Tunki

Additional information


Roasted Beans, Cafetiere Grind, Fine Grind, Green Beans


250g, 500g, 1kg


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